SAMHSA Awards ICF New Work Totaling $24 Million

Feb 7, 2024


RESTON, Va., Feb. 7, 2024 /美通社/——美国药物滥用和精神健康管理局(SAMHSA)扩大了与ICF的长期合作关系, 全球咨询和技术服务提供商(NASDAQ:ICFI), with five new subcontracts to support mental health programs, 包括对机构的评估和沟通支持 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline. The agreements have a combined value of $24 million.

"For over 30 years, ICF在行为健康方面的深厚专业知识,以及我们先进的云和数据解决方案,帮助SAMHSA提供了关键的项目,在危机时刻为个人提供支持," said Jennifer WelhamICF负责卫生、人与人类服务的高级副总裁. “这些新协议扩大了我们与SAMHSA的长期合作伙伴关系,帮助该机构更好地评估心理健康项目的影响,提高人们对改变和拯救生命的心理健康项目的认识. 我们很自豪能成为SAMHSA值得信赖的合作伙伴,帮助推进其关键的公共卫生使命."

For three of the five service agreements, 儿童基金会将提供各种行为健康和基于技术的支助服务, totaling $16.1 million. 每个项目的期限为5年,包括1年的基本期和4年的可选期. 服务将有助于解决国家的自杀危机,包括988生命线计划(于2023年第二季度授予)的通信和数据可视化支持,以及988生命线和危机服务计划和零自杀计划的评估, 包括在亚马逊网络服务(AWS)上建立一个大型的基于云的数据收集和报告系统,.

For two of the five service agreements, ICF将支持SAMHSA的药物滥用和心理健康项目, totaling $8 million. 第一项包括为提高公众认识和教育运动提供通讯服务, including SAMHSA's National Recovery Campaign, which has a term of four years, including a one-year base and three one-year options. 第二笔赠款为整体赠款接受者提供项目监督和技术援助,期限为5年, including a one-year base and four one-year options.

ICF多年来一直支持SAMHSA的许多优先倡议,包括及时提供药物使用和心理健康趋势信息, improving children's mental health and wellness, and addressing other issues such as underage drinking, school-based mental health, trauma-informed care, behavioral health treatment court collaboratives, supported employment and more. 

A leader in cloud modernization solutions, ICF已经在众多联邦机构部署了数百个云迁移实施,以帮助他们实现任务成果. 拥有超过230项认证和260项认证资格的AWS高级服务合作伙伴, ICF拥有从云运营实现全方位AWS功能的经验, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), cloud native development, cloud infrastructure, application modernization and migration, data sharing and more.

ICF将深厚的领域专业知识与领先的技术相结合, 先进的分析和以人为本的实践,帮助联邦机构设计技术解决方案,缩短实现价值的时间. The company's over 2,000名技术人员与数千名明升体育m88专家和30多个平台合作伙伴组成的广阔生态系统携手合作,快速交付可扩展的技术解决方案,加速任务准备, 改善任务成果,实现生产力的阶段性变化.

Read more about ICF's public health and digital modernization services and technology partnerships.

About ICF
ICF是一家全球咨询和技术服务公司,000 employees, but we are not your typical consultants. At ICF, 商业分析师和政策专家与数字战略家一起工作, data scientists and creatives. 我们将无与伦比的明升体育m88专业知识与尖端的参与能力相结合,帮助组织解决最复杂的挑战. Since 1969, 公共和私营部门客户与ICF合作,引领变革,塑造未来. Learn more at

Caution Concerning Forward-looking Statements
非历史事实且涉及已知和未知风险和不确定性的陈述是1995年《明升体育m88》中定义的“前瞻性陈述”. 这些陈述可能与我们目前对未来结果的预期有关, plans, operations and prospects and involve certain risks, including those related to the government contracting industry generally; our particular business, including our dependence on contracts with U.S. federal government agencies; our ability to acquire and successfully integrate businesses; and the effects of the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19), or any other future pandemic, and related national, state and local government actions and reactions, on the health of our staff and that of our clients, the continuity of our and our clients' operations, our results of operations and our outlook. 这些和其他因素可能导致我们的实际结果与我们向美国证券交易委员会提交的证券文件中“风险因素”部分所列的前瞻性陈述中所示的结果不同. 本协议中包含的前瞻性陈述仅在本协议生效之日作出, 我们明确声明不承担将来更新这些陈述的任何义务.

Contact: Lauren Dyke,, +1.571.373.5577