Sorina Eftim

Senior Manager, Epidemiology
Sorina is an epidemiology expert with more than 15 years of experience in environmental risk and toxicology projects.

Sorina uses statistical analyses to evaluate the health effects of air pollution, environmental epidemiology, and cancer epidemiology. She has performed statistical analyses for time-series and cohort studies of air pollution. Sorina has also conducted systematic literature reviews and meta-analyses on the risk of asthma in children and traffic-related air pollution exposures, and she has critically reviewed epidemiological studies for publication.

Sorina was the lead epidemiologist and biostatistician of a systematic literature review to examine the evidence for or against differential health risks associated with various water-based recreational activities in ambient waters contaminated by fecal material. She also performed a meta-analysis on the association between fluoride exposure and the level of children's intelligence. Sorina has experience using large, nationally available databases such as the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey and National Health Interview Survey, as well as Medicare to design and analyze the potential health effects of various environmental agents.

Sorina has managed our support of the 环境al Protection Agency’s (EPA) Office of Water activities to facilitate criteria development, 实现, and water reuse efforts since 2012. She developed quantitative microbial risk assessments to estimate human health risks from various exposure routes and water reuse scenarios. Currently, Sorina leads our support for the 实现 of Action 2.3.1 under EPA’s National Water Reuse Action Plan, which seeks to advance the consideration of water reuse to improve the security, 可持续性, and resilience of the country’s water resources.

Sorina is currently Adjunct Professor at the George Washington University. She serves as a peer reviewer for several scientific journals, including Water 研究, 环境al Health Perspectives, 环境研究, and Emerging Themes in Epidemiology.

  • Ph.D., 环境al Health Sciences, Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health, 2007
  • M.H.S., Biostatistics, Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health, 2005
  • M.S., Applied Statistics and Optimizations, University of Bucharest, Romania, 2000
  • B.S., Mathematics and Computer Sciences, University of Pitesti, Romania, 1998
  • Evaluating health risks associated with exposure to ambient surface waters during recreational activities: A systematic review and meta-analysis. 水资源研究,2020
  • Comparison of predicted microbiological human health risks associated with de facto, 间接, and direct potable water reuse. 环境科学 & 技术,2019
  • Occurrence of coliphage in raw wastewater and in ambient water: A meta-analysis. 水研究,2018
  • Potable Water Reuse: What Are the Microbiological Risks? Current 环境al Health Reports, 2018
  • Occurrence of norovirus in raw sewage: a systematic review and meta-analysis. 《明升体育m88》,2017
  • Relationships between arsenic concentrations in drinking water and lung and bladder cancer incidence in U.S. 县. Journal of Exposure Science and 环境al Epidemiology, 2016